Category: comicbooks!

  • Rey and The Levitz Paradigm

    Rey and The Levitz Paradigm

    The film sets up a simple question: Who is Rey? “Who is Rey” is the main story, no? Not “Who is Finn”, which is answered pretty quickly, or “Who is Kylo Ren” or “Where is Luke Skywalker”, since these are more or less addressed after Rey’s story kicks into gear. The film eventually answers the Kylo Ren and Luke questions, but it lops off the last step in its main character Rey’s arc, delaying the answer for a later date. It feels like chaos at the end, like something went wrong.

  • The Gorn of Watchmen

    The Gorn of Watchmen

    Slow-mo fist to chin, ripping skin, snapping arm, mid-air jump, bone-rattling leg-splayed landing, falling body destroys furniture, wall, toilet but not cracking hand, ankle or skull, exploding body, cliched sex montage, spandex kink, constant eyeball-twitch-inducing blue glow and dangling blue dong — all these things are the heart of Watchmen, a porno of demolition, a […]